Advancing the practice of public participation
IAP2 is the preeminent international organization advancing the practice of public participation. Our mission is to advance and extend the practice of public participation through professional development, certification, standards of practice, core values, advocacy and key initiatives with strategic partners around the world.
Networking – IAP2 provides networking opportunities through volunteer engagement as well as through local and international conferences and events.
Publications – IAP2 developed the three Pillars of Public Participation – the Core Values, Code of Ethics, and Spectrum of Public Participation – to create a shared framework to differentiate public participation from other forms of civic engagement, and supports the semi-annual publication of the Journal of Public Deliberation, as well as promotes research activities within the regions.
Training & Development – IAP2 is committed to growing the practice through comprehensive, authentic training in public participation practices and techniques.
Awards – IAP2 annually celebrates Best Practice in Public Participation through the Core Values Awards program. These are awarded to submissions received globally for best project of the year, organisation of the year and innovation of the year. All eligible submissions are published in the annual Showcase of Winners report. The collection of these reports serves as a repository of Best Practices available to everyone who is interested to learn about how to effectively engage the public in the decisions that affect them. In addition, upon occasion the IAP2 Board awards the Jim Crieghton award created in 2008 to honour of the Founding President.
Professional Certification – IAP2 recognizes professional certification has different meaning and legal requirements around the world. IAP2 Australasia supports professional development through the Certificate in Engagement program released in 2014. The Professional Certification programs launched by IAP2 Canada and IAP2 USA in 2016 are open to all IAP2 members in good standing who have completed the 5-day IAP2 Foundations in Public Participation course, formerly the Certificate in Public Participation course. This program was developed by a Task Force of IAP2 members from USA, Canada, and South Africa in consultation with IAP2 members.
Career Center – The IAP2 Career Center provides a way for employers to promote employment opportunities in public participation and related fields and for candidates to learn about them and apply.