IAP2 Global Learning Pathway

IAP2 is known for world-class training in public participation (P2) and engagement.

Over the past two years, extensive work was done to review, update and create a consistent and contemporary curriculum globally. The new Global Learning Pathway (GLP) represents the best of the past, the brightest ideas of the present, and builds for the future – of the practice, the organisation and the learner. This global platform of courses builds the skills and knowledge needed to continue to excel in our important work.

The IAP2 Global Learning Pathway
We have heard from practitioners that there is a need for choice and flexibility that acknowledges the varied paths that P2 professionals follow. The new pathway is intentional in offering levels of learning and a choice in program areas, so that learning can be tailored to the needs of members. 

Upon entering the GLP, learners must complete one prerequisite course - either Fundamentals of P2/engagement (Level 1) or IAP2 Way in Challenging Contexts (Level 2). Once a prerequisite has been completed, any course in the pathway can be taken.

We are excited to bring the first courses of the GLP to you, which are the essence of who we are and what we stand for. 
  • Fundamentals of P2/engagement
  • IAP2 Way in Challenging Contexts
  • Designing and Leading P2/Engagement
  • Designing and Applying Methods

Learning Levels

IAP2’s Global Learning Pathway is based on a framework for different learners:

Level 1 practitioners are:

  • new to the practice with some experience
  • contributing to the planning of P2/engagement processes
  • assisting in the implementation of those processes under supervision
  • working and communicating with teams to coordinate P2/engagement activities that are not complex
  • referring upwards for advice on matters that are complex or featuring high emotion/conflict
  • allied professionals or technical staff needing to know the fundamentals of P2/engagement and framework

Level 2 practitioners are:

  • leading the planning and implementation of P2/engagement processes
  • managing teams and planning operations where there is some risk and complexity
  • managing key relationships for the P2/engagement processes, be able to troubleshoot, fixproblems and implement change in processes as they are needed
  • working as a consultant in the sector leading the P2/engagement processes

Level 3 practitioners are:

  • leading the P2/engagement practice within their organisation
  • managing complex engagement processes, with high emotion, high risk and controversy
  • experiencing significant breadth and depth of engagement experience
  • leading research that advances the engagement practice